Coming Together in Christ

Coming Together in Christ

Coming Together in ChristThe Lord spoke to me this morning concerning our coming together in Christ this March in Jacksonville. He said that there is nothing wrong with different perspectives of Himself. We must be careful to not argue and contend for our favorite perspective. There is no right perspective any more than there is a right gospel of Christ among the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each gospel is Christ-centric even though each man was moved by the Holy Spirit to put a different emphasis on what they saw and shared about the Lord. It is all still the same Christ, the same Truth. It is interesting to note that the greatest need of the Church on earth 60 years after Christ’s ascension was a retelling or refocus of the Life of Christ.

The Lord further said that proof that someone or some group is properly carrying his Truth is that it edifies His Body, and it is shared in peace. Any truth shared in a contentious or arrogant spirit by an immature leader will be considered false by the brethren because of the spirit in which it is delivered.

Each emphasis will have those who form around it. This is what we might call an apostolic company. It is a group of men and women whom the Lord has joined together in Christ to find strength, revelation, and comradery together. When these companies come together as one in Christ you have what we might call a Conclave, an assembly of the Body of Christ. This multiplicity of parts of the Body of Christ form the strongest and fullest expression of all that Christ is on earth. Likewise it also makes available the greatest concentration of His power in one place on earth. All this is available as long as each member and each company comes together in one mind and with one heart under His Lordship.

I am in no way detracting from the importance of being on the cutting edge of what the Lord is revealing today on earth. Not for personal ambition or gain, but to be able to properly and most efficiently cooperate with the Holy Spirit as the Lord builds His Church on the earth today. This in fact is the natural result of a Conclave as we hear from each brother and each company concerning what the Lord is doing prophetically and apostolically in their sphere.

Needless to say, some brothers and even some companies have remained in the 20th century. It is not our place to try to mature them or advance them; that is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is our place to receive and love them so that somehow the Lord may work in their hearts for His purposes.
We have neither our own purpose nor agenda. Given the proper atmosphere of love and acceptance, the Lord will germinate His will and His way for His Glory. I am looking forward to what Father has for us in March.

Much love,

p.s. #1 If after you read the Facebook event you feel the Lord tugging on your heart to attend please consider yourself invited.

Conclave 2016 Coming Together in Christ

p.s. #2 I felt that what was being shared here could be helpful to the Body of Christ as we mature in our understanding of International, National and Regional meetings so I have posted it to the public at large.


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