God’s Leader, a Definition


For the purpose of this website and with a desire to return to the Holy Spirit’s meaning of the word “leader”. Leaders in the Ekklesia understand that the Lord Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit is the only leader and head of His Ekklesia. Our leadership is 100% delegated just like a brush only paints when in the hands of the painter. A leader in the Ekklesia is a brother that with his/her example and life has won the respect of the other brethren in the community.

This respect does not entitle them to a title, a position, or guaranteed financial payment. This leader-disciple relationship does create a voluntary debt of love for those leaders that lead God’s people well. It is fitting to give regularly to leaders whose word carries heaven’s witness and life transforming power to you.

A God-called leader will never function in hierarchal authority over another saint but is motivated by the selfless love of Christ. A leader understands that they stand watch over what doesn’t belong to them. A leader will treat the Ekklesia as the Lord’s flock and the Lord’s bride. A leader knows that they are to move only under the direction of the Holy Spirit and with the backing of a plural consensus from the Body and other elders among the saints.

Any authority displayed comes from a relational bond of trust with those they are in community with and is given to these elders by the Ekklesia voluntarily. A leader gives no covering because the Lord is the Ekklesia’s covering. The main reason elders exist in the Ekklesia are for the edifying of the saints. A leader is a mature brother who functions as a humble elder in every sense of the word.

A study of early Church history reveals that all great leaders of their time could point back to someone who had discipled them. To disciple is to lead; therefore, leading is painful, costly and sacrificial requiring much patience and love for the saints.

I will most gladly spend and be spent for your good, even though it means that the more I love you the less you love me. 2 Cor 12:15

True leadership in the Ekklesia functions in the Holy Spirit so it is expressed as a mature brother who “comes alongside” to help us grow and mature in Christ. Like Christ, a leader in the Ekklesia “leads” more by example than by verbal teaching.

Paul the apostle calls disciples to Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ! Cor 11:1 A leader calls for disciples to imitate Christ on earth today, not just learn His teachings.

What will it take to become a true God Leader in the 21st Century?

  1. They will have to die to all of the Religious Systems ideas of success
  2. They will have to show perseverance and long-suffering for discipleship
  3. They will have to trust the Lord completely for their finances
  4. They will have to learn to depend fully on the Holy Spirit for direction
  5. They must daily grow in Love for the whole Body of Christ
  6. They must be able to recognize those the Father is assigning to them to invest in
  7. They must understand that their life is their greatest message and legacy
  8. They must learn to deal with the loneliness of walking ahead of the present condition of the Church.
  9. They will have to work at being faithful in relationships with other leaders wherever and however that must be found.
  10. They must be willing to give sacrificially without any expectation of return (ROI)
  11. They must serve the Lord with great reverence knowing on that Day they will give an account.
  12. Finally, they will have to trust that their identity is hidden only in the Lord Jesus Christ

The Body of Christ is in transition as a Holy Spirit directed revolution flips the tables of the religious system teachings and abusive examples of leadership. We need to teach a new generation better than we were taught and not inadvertently empower reactionary carnality. The best we can do is not to continue to rail at the past wrongs but be a living example of Christ the head and leader of His Ekklesia on earth today.

Much love,

Jose L. Bosque

In Spanish https://www.iglesiaorganica.com/2024/09/30/el-lider-de-dios-una-definicion/