Fresh Start

Fresh Start – Being the Church in the 21st Century

The Fresh Start we are talking about here will require a new way to live the New Creation life. As citizens in the Kingdom...

Church, Church When do we talk about the Kingdom?

The Body of Christ finds itself in a real predicament today. The Lord is certainly crumbling the Kingdom of men, but we still don’t...
Social Justice

Social Justice: An Attack on the Kingdom?

Is Social Justice an attack on the Kingdom of God? Jesus purposed for His followers to be His kingdom until such a time as...
Global Prayervideo

Global Prayer for Unity

I love this video on prayer.  I just have to put aside all the religious system lingo! I love the fact that Hernnnut prayer and...

Insurgence by Frank Viola, a Book Review

I know you hear this a lot, but for serious Christians INSURGENCE by Frank Viola is the must-read book of the 21st century so...
Kingdom Vision Network

Kingdom Vision Network

“Helping Marketplace Leaders understand the Passion & Purpose of a Kingdom Vision” There has been a recent rise in the word "Coaching" to replace the...
For the Coming New Year

A Word for the Coming New Year 2015

As the New Year approaches and we gear up to embrace another year of opportunity, with my 20/20 hindsight, I look back upon a...
Relationship in the Kingdom of God

Relationship in the Kingdom of God by Rolland & Heidi Baker

Our years in Pemba have been tumultuous, intense, filled with demonic attacks, violence, threats, opposition from the government, discouragement, theft, loss, disappointments, failures, staff...
Kingdom Identity

Our True Kingdom Identity — Who Are We Really? by Tim Price

One aspect of God’s kingdom deals with who we are as Christ’s followers and where our loyalty, identity and belonging rest… Over the years...
Separating Gospel Truths

Ten Negative Consequences of Separating Gospel Truths from the Kingdom by Joseph Mattera

Truly the greatest discovery I ever made in the Bible was when my eyes were opened to understand how the gospel relates to the...
kingdom alignment

Kingdom Alignment Releases Kingdom Authority by Wolfgang Simson

How many people who call themselves Christian today can be found playing outside the Kingdom, the governmental framework of God, because they neither respect...
Christian Zionism

Beware of Christian Zionism by Steve Crosby

The merging of right-wing geopolitics and a literalist/fundamentalist end-time teaching scheme, make for a very dangerous and unsound biblical worldview. The President’s recent comments...
Kingdom Agenda

Christendom Agenda or Kingdom Agenda by Rick Paris

Most of the people who call themselves Christians really love the Lord and want to serve him. They make decisions based on their understanding...
Keys of the kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom: A Glimpse at Apostolic Unity By Wolfgang Simson

Many will recall the Friday Fax-issue (14/2007) titled “What is God waiting for?” In November last year we related the story of Neil Gamble...
heresy of Christian Zionism

The Dangerous Heresy of Christian Zionism by Carl Medearis

Here are Seven Biblical Answers to Popular Zionist Assumptions popular in the church today. 1. God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curses...
Kingdom Increasevideo

How to See Kingdom Increase – Let the Wind Blow! by Steve Crosby

In John chapter three, Jesus linked being born of the Spirit—necessary to perceive (KJV: see) the kingdom—to the wind. The spirit-wind metaphor would have...
The Power of Kingdom Here and Now

The Power of the Kingdom is Here and Now

As I meditated with the Lord this morning about why it is so difficult for many to break free of the religious system I...
impact america

IMPACT America 2013

Here we are at the beginning of 2013 and this morning, I began my yearly reading in the Acts of the Apostles of the...
Difficult times in America

Difficult Times in America – A Sober Solution

We are living in a very difficult times in America. The few values of the Kingdom that we held dear have eroded into what...