Although Gods Leader is a website that was created to serve the Lord’s Church and its leaders in the 21st Century, God’s Leader is YOU!

What is Gods Leader?
Who are we?
We are a group of brethren in relationship that have been called of the Lord to minister to His people through the use of today’s technologies and especially the internet.
What do we believe?
We believe there is only One Church and One Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ with its many expressions throughout the world. We believe that the greatest challenge of our faith is our ability to love each other and live life together well before a world that is watching.
What is our purpose?
Our purpose is to obey our calling and equip His Body for the work of the Ministry. We understand lasting fruit can only be produced by following God’s original design and foundation (His Pattern) for the Church.
What is our passion?
We feel that we have a responsibility to model an authentic example of the love of the Father as we seek to walk together in the footsteps of Christ.
Together we represent hundreds of years serving Him and His people. It is our hearts desire you use our years of experience to benefit you. We aim to be transparent and share both our mountaintops and our valley’s to assist you in your daily walk.
Where are we today?
We are on a journey together. To be found faithful is our destination. We have not arrived but we press forward to please Him who chose us and called us for this great honor and privilege.
We pray for Holy Spirit interpretation and wish you God’s richest blessing as you read.
Editorial Team Disclaimer: Publication on Gods Leader does not necessarily indicate endorsement of all statements or articles. We endorse individual writers because of relationship, and value his/her input as a contributing member of the Body of Christ.
We agree with historic Christian statements such as the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. However, we do not necessarily endorse every particular belief held by individual contributing authors or those whose website links appear on this site.
For the Record: While every author may not agree 100% with another brothers submission we desire to AIM for a testimony of love and unity!
Jose L. Bosque, Webmaster –
(904)-NINE two EIGHT-9000, Jacksonville Florida USA
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