American Politics & the Kingdom of God


Our Lord Jesus never said that Politics could be used as a tool to influence this generation or any generation with the Kingdom of God. The two worlds are as far as the East is from the West. Then why is there so much confusion? Why the recent rise in Christian Nationalism? Why are born from above Christians hoping their vote will ensure that the next presidential candidate represents their idea of Christianity?

Here is a popular meme from that world!


and here is the response,


and here is another


The problem: We have been raised in a country that disdains the rest of the world. We claim to be the champions of freedom. We have the greatest military strength. The real truth is we are in a self-destruction mode and on a fast track of erosion from within. 21st century American media has more control of most Christians ears than the Holy Spirit. We are surrounded by untruth and misinformation. Most believers spend hours listening to their flavor of videos filled with professional propaganda. We have followed the celebrity pied pipers of the Christian faith as they led us to the cesspools of their bad religious doctrines.

“This is the minefield of American politics. Ripe with mudslinging and name-calling, ignorance and bigotry, lack of friendship and understanding. It has made us all into monsters of sort.

It is a place for only winners and losers, the right side and wrong side of history. It is no place for discussion, dialogue, a listening disposition or a place to admit the most forbidden omission of the 21st century – “perhaps, I am wrong, or have been wrong.”

It is no place for disagreement without disdain, or cordiality amidst difference. To be seen engaging in meaningful – even jovial – conversation with “the other side” is deemed as fraternizing with the enemy.

The state of American politics may not be the worse it’s even been, but it feels like the saddest it’s ever been.”  From Kingdom of Politics vs. Politics of the Kingdom 2020 by Wesley Mills

I remember all the rage with the “7 Mountains theory” claiming that it was our Christian duty to be involved in politics so we could influence government so they wanted us to run for office. I remember the shame of the last election as prophets for profit called conferences to prophecy Trump’s win. Scores of Christians attended, promoted and financed these politics mixed with Christianity events. This continued for years after the election even though they were wrong time and time again. Now I am again in shock as I see Christians overlooking our humanity and siding with the genocide in Gaza just because of some Old Testament verses concerning Israel. What is wrong with us? Do we not know who and whose we are?

Let’s look at some New Covenant verses concerning who we are in this world. Scripture calls us “Strangers and Pilgrims” which means resident aliens and foreigners. This is not our world, we live in it, we respect its government, but we belong to the King of Kings and His Kingdom. Our baptism is our declaration of death to this world and entrance into His Kingdom. There is not one verse in the entire New Testament requesting we engage the present government to bring about Kingdom influence on this or any other culture. I don’t care how you twist scripture to back up your involvement in politics.

This country and this world will never submit and obey the King of Kings. In the USA a foreigner representing another government is called an ambassador and allowed to live in an embassy. While he must do his best to obey the laws of the country, ambassadors are protected from prosecution in the country they are representing abroad because of diplomatic immunity. This immunity protects them for the duration of their diplomatic post and prevents them from being prosecuted under the laws of the host country for criminal or civil offenses. We are ambassadors of the Lord’s Kingdom and although not recognized, we have nothing to do with its politics other than to pray for our leaders.

Why do we have so much trouble seeing ourselves as ambassadors in a  foreign land? Could it be that our possessions have wed us to this earth? Think about it.

Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I like many of you today was also involved at one time in thinking that I could change this world through politics. The light came on for me in 2011 when the Holy Spirit reminded me that politics is dirty to the core and if you take one out, another will take his place. Before any of you label me a Jehovah Witness or conscientious objector, let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a Cuban exile and an American citizen. I came to this country because we were fighting against communism and for political freedom. I sat night after night listening to my uncles discuss strategy to take Cuba back from Fidel Castro’s dictatorship. When I went to school I focused on history and law. I was trained to to knock a dove off a telephone wire with a rifle at 300 yards.  I can shoot a bow; I can throw a knife, and I wrestled in High School and college. I graduated with a BA in Political Science and excelled in the LSAT exams and was accepted by two law schools. In my college days I helped many Republicans get into office and considered myself more conservative than President Dwight D Eisenhower. Are getting an idea yet where my life was headed?

It was shortly after all of the above that Christ spoke with me and allowed me to see that true freedom would never come to my people or any people through violence. I still have dreams of freeing Cuba, but it will not be by the arm of the flesh or my involvement in politics.

Christ is the only answer to this world’s ills but not the christ of our religious man-made traditions. If the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would focus on being an example of Christ’s love here on earth now (Kingdom) so much would begin to change.

If you are frustrated by the increase in darkness and the abandonment of Christian principles, know that you are not alone. Even our Lord wept for Jerusalem. Trust in the Sovereignty of our God. He alone knows what is going on and how and when He is going to deal with it.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Don’t waste another cent and don’t waste another minute on behalf of politics. If you have been born from above you don’t have a “civic duty” and heaven doesn’t recognize dual citizenship.

One warning! This is not up for your opinion or mine. Every one of us will stand before Him on that Day and give an account for what we practiced and what we taught others about the Kingdom and politics.

I pray for Holy Spirit enlightening!

Much love,

Jose L. Bosque