Finding our Sabbath Rest Today


The Sabbath, historically recognized as the seventh day of the week, holds deep significance within Jewish tradition. On this sacred day, the Israelites were directed to abstain from work, dedicating their time to rest, prayer, and reflection, while surrendering their endeavors to God’s providential care. This weekly practice served as an opportunity for them to recommit themselves to the Lord (Proverbs 16:3).

The Lord Jesus expanded the idea of Sabbath in Matthew 11:28-30, inviting people to find rest in him, offering solace to the weary and burdened. As Jesus declared, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

This invitation holds deeper meaning, as elaborated on by the apostle Paul in Colossians 2:16-17, where he explains that the old covenant observances were signposts to a future reality fulfilled by Christ (Hebrews 10:1). Consequently, as Christians, we are not bound by dietary laws, festivals, holidays, and special days, as these were mere foreshadows of what was to come in the Person of Jesus. (For He is our Sabbath Rest!)

What remains relevant today, however, is our regular need to surrender to God. A recent conversation highlighted the relevance of this principle, as a brother shared his distress over a failed investment. He had been misled by promises of quick returns, only to face substantial financial loss. The burden of this setback weighed heavily on him, disrupting his sleep and causing great concern. In response to this, I highlighted the significance of the concept of the Sabbath, explaining that moments like these, although challenging, are God’s invitation for us to reset our priorities, relinquish our need for control, and reaffirm faith in His providence.

It’s worth noting here that the concept of surrendering to God finds resonance in the etymology of the word “commit”, derived from the Hebrew term “galal”, which means “to roll away”. Another definition I discovered is “to roll down.” The implications of this revelation were eye-opening. Imagine a boulder being rolled downhill. You can no longer control it once the roll starts. Its direction and destination are a mystery. What a profound analogy of surrender!

This is what it means to commit ourselves to God. On the cross, Jesus prayed, “Into your hands, I commit my spirit”. Equally, we are called to turn ourselves over to God unreservedly. This is what Israel was commanded to do every Sabbath day, what Jesus invited his listeners to do in Matthew 11:28-30, and what the Holy Spirit reminds us to do daily: surrender ourselves completely to God’s care, that we may truly be at rest. In a very real sense, we are called to Sabbath every day.

By Monte Dugger



Thanks, Monte, for sharing this revelation with us!

May you find rest in the Lord. It is only from this place of Sabbath rest can we go on to fulfill His purposes for our life here on earth. Don’t let the trappings of the religious system waste this Sabbath blessing on a just a once-a-week ceremony. The Lover of your Soul waits for you!

Much Love, JLB