Being Rooted & Grounded in the 21st Century

    Rooted & Grounded in 21st Century

    Being Rooted and Grounded in the 21st Century means I am connected to Christ for all my sustenance as a Child is connected to its mother by the umbilical cord. I am tethered invisibly to the Lord via the Holy Spirit who is both my WIFI and my power source. I have no life outside of HIM. I can do nothing without HIM.

    I am no longer an Old Testament tree planted by the rivers of water, but in the New Testament, I have been grafted into the Tree which is the Lord’s Body. There is only ONE tree with many branches. When you see the tree, you don’t see different kind of branches because All the branches have the same DNA of the ROOT.

    As a branch, I and the rest of the Body of the tree are ONE. I do not need to try to bring unity to something that is already united. Those that receive the same life-giving sap from the ROOT grow together with me and flow together with me. Even though the sap that I receive as a young branch comes from the larger stronger branches, the Root is still my SOURCE. The stronger branches do not call attention to themselves because their work is evident, and their strength too comes from the ROOT.

    The King is on His throne and there is only ONE, our Lord King Jesus. His Kingdom reaches into a vast domain of this world as we know it. We are His ambassadors into this world. We represent His Nature, His Ways and His Example to this world. We are not part of this world and it is not part of us. Nothing of this world can accomplish the purposes of my King. His Kingdom is not like earthly kingdoms nor does it exist by earthly means.

    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. 2 Corinthians 10:4

    Rooted and Grounded in Love

    Love is the focus of His Kingdom. Love is not a doctrine, paradigm, or a perspective. Love is action. Love operates under the direction of the Holy Spirit. His Voice comes to each one of us personally. We need no mediators, translator, or interpreters because we know His voice. Love is not a religion or a movement. Love is our life. In a world where the word love has been degenerated, we have rescued its original definition. True love says Not our will, but Your will be done. True love is an eternal covenant that never seeks its own. In love to you our gracious King, we gladly surrender these lives that you bought with your precious sacrifice. We too seek to walk the “Via Dolorosa,” but not the one that is in Jerusalem. We choose to walk the one that is here for us among our neighbors and friends to the Glory of your Name.

    Final Prayer

    Lord help us to stay spiritually liquid in an ever-crystalizing world. We don’t ask that you take us out from the world, but teach us how to live in it without letting the world break the levees of our hearts and minds. We desire to be rooted & grounded in the 21st century so we may be salt and light. Please show us how. We don’t want to speak into any worldly sphere, but we want to take your influence into every sphere. Lord show us how to be a winning example of living preventively instead of railing at the darkness from the vantage point of Loser’s Ledge. Lord, give us the wisdom in this 21st Century to be an living example of your loving nature and life. WE want to make a difference, but we confess we no longer have all the answers. You are our breath, in you we live and breathe and have our being. We exalt you King Jesus! May our every heartbeat beat for you!

    Much love,

    Jose L. Bosque