Prayers of a Pioneer

    prayers of a pioneer

    prayers of a pioneer

    The Prayers of a Pioneer

    Father, I hear the cries of the cloud of witnesses from on high. They cheer and dare me to go on into the unknown.  I am challenged to go beyond all the familiar places of my present relationship with you. I know they are right.  I know there is more. There must be more! Open my eyes that I may see, and expand my heart that I may receive.

    I am jealous of the men and women who walked before me and tasted of better things than that which is today my daily diet.  I want to incarnate your Son, and I wish only to manifest in my life your true nature. I hunger to see your earth covered with your glory as the waters cover the sea.

    prayer of a pioneer

    I long for the visible manifestation of your strong arm in the affairs of men.  As the prophets have described when the mountains shook and men fell to their knees like servants before a King., cause me to thirst for you like the deer in the desert that pants for the springs of living waters.

    I thank you for the unsatisfied feelings that you have created down in the very depth of my soul. As long as you put breath in me, may they never leave me, and may I never settle for the status-quo.  Help me, Father, never to be at peace with the human comforts that surround me in America and with the applause of men.

    Lord, take me by the hand and lead me out of the minefield of my personal weaknesses. You know everything about me, and there is no hiding anything from you. I wish not to frustrate your grace in my life.  I present my whole conscious being to the divine work of your Spirit. Make me more like you. Cause me to be a living example of the death of the old man and the overcoming victory of the Christ in me, the hope of glory.

    prayer of a pioneer

    Father, forgive your people. There are so many noises today that compete for their attention. Many live disconnected and disengaged from your purposes. Please forgive the apathy and the skepticism  of this society. Help us also overcome the unbelief that holds your people back like the gravitation pull of earth.

    Continue to take the years of religious wax out of our ears. We don’t know what we don’t know ,and we can’t see our true self.  Destroy the hypocrisy in our hearts. Let revelation increase!  Let fraternal love abound for the Glory of your Son!

    Prayer of a pioneer

    Like your Son, I ask for all the nations of the world in my lifetime. Please be with my brothers overseas, especially those that suffer daily persecution for you name’s sake. We remember the poor and the needy. Bless us financially that we may be a blessing to others. I ask for your supernatural provision for them today.

    Finally Father, take me away to that place where I can again hear that still small voice of my Beloved. I come today for a full checkup. Update and upgrade me that I may again be fine-tuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit in my life. I long for the cleft in the rock, the secret place of the Most High.

    Prayers of a pioneer

    Hide me. Just you and me until you are ready to share me.

    Your son,

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    1. …..donde pueda escuchar de nuevo esa pequeña voz de mi Amado. Vengo hoy para un chequeo completo. Actualízame y actualízame para que pueda volver a estar afinado a la voz del Espíritu Santo en mi vida. Añoro la hendidura en la roca, el lugar secreto del Altísimo…..Que hermosa tu expresión en esto! me habla de recoger el maná todos los días y alimentarme de El!…hoy tendremos nuestro alimento y mañana también sin necesidad de guardar el del día anterior…