What is the Basis of True Kingdom Koinonia?

kingdom koinonia

kingdom koinoniaThe One Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is alive and progressing toward a place of True Unity. We have measured the systems of the past and found them wanting of the love and fellowship (koinonia) of the First century church. We are embracing Kingdom theology and have begun to speak of the City Church. Everyone speaks of how things should be.
It is not hard to see the mistakes made by the self centered personal kingdoms men built unto themselves in the 20th Century. We talk a good talk but our walk is sorely missing the very things we so ardently stand for.

Ok, so it wasn’t done right but where are the examples of love and unity that new Disciples of Christ today can follow now? We teach well but where is our practice? Everyone speaks of evangelizing the lost, reaching out to the youth and transforming our society. When we get them saved what are we taking them to?

So we get them healed and delivered, are we really delivering them from the kingdom of darkness and bringing them to the Kingdom of Light?

If we are going to attain true Kingdom Koinonia our righteousness must go beyond that of the Pharisees which do not live what they preach.

John 13:35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

The Bible says God is love that means His nature is love so our nature must be one of love too.

1 Peter 2:21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps:

God is raising up a people who will walk in step with the Master. The time is now to act is now. To do what is in our hearts God is going to have to strip away the Egypt of old system methodology so we can accomplish 21st century great exploits. The Bible says;

James 1:19-20 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Here is what I have observed. We leave the system but we take the virus of the system into what we are now doing for the Lord. We came to the understanding that we are to follow the Lord’s vision but when we leave the system we end up complaining about why others don’t see the value of our vision. We are mad, angry and hurt because our expectations are not being fulfilled. We know where we want to go but we don’t know how to get there so when we build the “new” we fall back into the methods of “mans system” we thought we had left behind.

Kingdom Koinonia

I want to share some thoughts on the subject of how to walk out true kingdom relationships in the living breathing organism called the One Church of the Lord Jesus Christ;

1. Only the complete Body of Christ has all the truth and no matter how “great” “your” ministry you need the rest of us. There are no monks in the Kingdom.

2. We must refuse to go to religion and the marketplace to build the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Human business principles will never build the Kingdom.

3. We must refuse to come together for the sake of “working the crowd” to do what we feel is so important. We are not here for you we are here for Him.

4. We need to put down our agenda’s and preconceived notions of what must be done and when. It only reflects our area of gifting.

5. We must return to living by the Spirit and allow the Head of the Church to take the reins of building His Church. We need to listen more and talk less.

6. We must recognize that where the Lord is taking us “we have not walked this way before.” The Way is uncharted territory proven by 2000 years of division and strife in His Body.

7. We must search our hearts for signs of leftover baggage. Things like prejudices, fear, desire for money, desire for position and titles, need for power and control, the need to be liked and esteemed and any other such things must be nailed to the cross of Calvary.

8. We must understand that reformation requires redefining the very words we use and how we use them. It breaks my heart to see men’s ministries, Christian political groups and others talk of returning to the ways of the Lord in America but they continue to woo the pastors to get to the people.

9. We must reinforce discipleship instead of continuing to evangelize the lost. Some have said why do we have to stop one to do the other? Ask the people who experienced Katrina if you pump the water out first or build the walls that keep back the water permanently. The current Church model has a revolving back door to the tune of 1 million believers a year and that is the ones they can count. Most Church membership roles are overinflated 3 and 4 times the actual numbers of participation.

10. We must quit talking about the disunity and begin to walk in rank with our brothers and sisters. It’s not about you and your gift. Get over yourself!

11. God has and is raising up men with a true fathers heart who will be voices and not echoes to this generation. Find them and follow His voice through them. They will not be controlling they will be affirming.

12. Finally, seek humility, holiness, transparency, sincerity and purity of heart. Let others speak into your life. Be mutually submissive to others. Ask the Lord to Increase in you and ask him to help you decrease.

We are all in agreeement that true Kingdom is rooted in relationships. When those relationships come together to function as One we have “Koinonia” is the greek word for fellowship and this is how you walk out Christian life in the Kingdom.

1 John 1:3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

So let’s be the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and let’s begin to walk out true Kingdom life that those who are on the sidelines may see an example worthy of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Isa 65:8 Thus says the Lord:
“As the new wine is found in the cluster,

Jose Bosque


Jose Bosque is Editor in Chief and founder of Viral Cast Media which oversees GodsLeader, JaxChristian now ViralChrist and 15 other websites. He has ministered in Jacksonville since 1987 and served the city since 1992 as a citywide servant leader.
Jose is considered a resource and a spiritual father to many leaders in the city and in the 54 nations where the Lord has sent him to serve. Originally born in Cuba, Jose has resided in Jacksonville since 1966.

Contact Him at: www.RevivalPartners.net or  ForRevival@aol.com

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