At this Moment I Prefer


    I prefer Godly Wisdom over the Latest News & Information

    I prefer Simple Direction over a Myriad of Alternatives

    I prefer Fresh Rhema (His Voice) over an Adulterated Logos or a Sermon

    I prefer a Living Example over Specialists and their Theories

    I prefer to Help Others over the Selfish Fearful Scream in my Heart

    I prefer Empathetic Prayer for the Suffering over reading a detached joker’s Meme

    I prefer the Lord Jesus Christ himself over the Human Trappings of Christianity

    I prefer Walking alone in my Garden over walking the famous halls of the White House

    I prefer being with the Few who love me over being with the Many who like me

    I prefer my Authentic Family over My many So-Called Friends & Relatives

    I prefer to Find the One Immovable piece of Rock over having access to the many beaches of shifting sands

    I choose to feel the Wind in my back over my need to see the Shore!

    Much Love

    Jose L Bosque

    See also Mini Guide in Crisis