Christian Mini Guide: 7 Steps to Confront a Crisis

    Christian Guide to Coming Crisis

    You will soon hear some alarming News- Do not Fear but Have Faith. Don’t waste your time discussing if it is a real crisis or not.Be ready to respond as the Holy Spirit leads.

    Heb 11:1

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    We are part of a Kingdom that cannot be seen but is more real than what you can touch or see with the visible eye. We will all grow spiritually quickly in the midst of this crisis.

    1. PLAN Now to Communicate via Video, WhatsApp or Phone Chat with Family. Communication will be vital in the coming days
    2. PREPARE ahead as best you are able, remember all are not able to buy extra, be ready to share
    3. CONSIDER possible scenarios, If this happens what will you do? Be decisive!
    4. STAY home, like you are in the boat with the Lord, stay in the boat no matter how big the waves
    5. PROTECT, demand others keep social distancing and respect your property
    6. REST, Pray and Trust In the peace Lord and the power of His might to fight your battle
    7. RESCUE, reach out to help others outside your family only by direct command of the Lord

    We do not fear death. We are ready to see the King. We were created for Heaven. We are just strangers and pilgrims passing through to a better place. WE would all like to stay with our families longer but relax we are not leaving one day sooner than the Lord says no matter how bad the crisis gets.

    Acts 17:24-27

    God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. 25 Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. 26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 

    May the Lord’s grace be with you and May His Church rise up in the midst of this crisis and make HIM known to the lost and to the religious

    Much Love,


    Questions? 904-434-0144


    Praying for Serenity

    Denial refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem

    Wisdom endeavors to see a problem for what it is

    Fear magnifies and exaggerates a problem


    Denial rationalizes inaction

    Wisdom pursues prudent action

    Fear produces over-reaction


    Denial breeds apathy

    Wisdom breeds contemplation

    Fear breeds panic


    Denial fights to maintain the status quo

    Wisdom seeks a measured response

    Fear makes a bad situation worse


    Denial is emboldened by a stubborn will

    Wisdom is empowered by a peaceful mind

    Fear is fueled by a faithless imagination


    Denial results in complacency

    Wisdom looks toward hope

    Fear leads to desperation


    God grant us the strength & wisdom to grab a hold

    of the things you’ve placed in our hands

    And grant us the faith & hope to trust You

    for the things that are beyond our reach

    And Lord, please give us the discernment to

    recognize the difference between them

    By Bryan Corbin