A Christmas Prayer

    A Christmas Prayer

    A Christmas Prayer

    Whether I walk with the downtrodden,

    Or sit at the table of Kings

    It is Christ in me I pray they see.

    For the Lord is the Potter and I am the clay

    I am only a brush in the hands of the Divine Designer

    And a tool in the hands of the Master Craftsman

    All eyes must be on Him

    For only the Creator has the solution for a broken world

    Remember that He performs best in the impossible

    And he creates most from nothing

    In a stable for animals, in an unknown town, to a poor young couple,

    during an unfair taxation by the government,

    the King of Kings chose to undress from His divinity

    and poured himself into needy humanity as a baby.

    From before His birth, He was destined for death on the cross

    Because the recipe for Life has never changed

    Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

    Forgive us Father for we have lost our way

    Our eyes are blinded by the things of this world and our hearts lead us astray

    Again make the mountains tremble and cause the darkness to flee

    With your loving mercies draw us back to you.

    Let your church arise as your people drink from your Spirit

    Let the sound of joy be heard again in the camp of the righteous

    Put the orphans in families, bring the poor to the caring and peace to the anxious

    We need you Lord!


    Jose L Bosque


    A Christmas Prayer