The Dream; Stock Market Crash

Stock Market Crash

I share this dream of a Stock Market Crash leading to a Worldwide Economic Crisis with the intent to warn not to create more fear.

Sunday 6:26 am 3/17/2013

In the dream I was at a doctor’s office to sell them some online advertising. In another office I saw many people unemployed were making a line to be tested for a possible position. (now I understand it was for Corona virus) The guy made we wait a long time. He kept coming in and out of the office.

It was in the morning and about mid-morning when I ask the secretary why everyone looked so somber. She said haven’t you heard? I said no, what? The market fell this morning. I thought she said the “Dow” and I thought she said “points”. It had started while we were asleep and hit about mid-morning.

She said you don’t look worried and I said No that is actually good for me. I thought of Ian (My FOREX Trainer) and I said to myself I hope he got in on that.

Next, I see a vision of a counter it’s got a wheel which starts spinning down from around 1200 hesitates at 1100 then violently drops to 800 and goes up to 900 but the damage was done. (Dow??)

Next, we are outside the building and we are going to lunch? Not sure, but the business park is a ghost town and few people are going to their cars carrying boxes like they are never coming back.

Not part of the dream: thinking back when the problem started the U.S. was asleep. That must mean the Asian and the London markets. I believe it was a stock market not a currency market issue that’s why I was not too sure of what “index” had fallen. Since I am not up on all that.

I woke up and decided to write it. All I know is wasn’t trading when it happened.

I am not usually a dreamer; I do not usually remember dreams.

I had a feeling that it is a warning of an upcoming problem.

April 10, 2020

Today I understand the Lord gave me a 7 year warning almost to the day. I have not added anything but what is in parenthesis for clarity. No one but Ian my FOREX Instructor has ever seen this. I share it to continue to warn the hearers of the upcoming Economic Crisis which I believed will be worse than the Stock Market Crash of 1929. I am no longer doing FOREX for about 5 years


I am aware that sharing this dream will not make people happy. I also do not think the majority of the Body of Christ is mature enough to fairly test the Spirit of these words. It is for those reasons that I have not promoted this article on Social Media. Let the Lord bring those to it He wants to. I am at peace,

a. “I have nothing to lose” I gave up worrying what people thought about what I wrote many years ago. My only aim is that the words that come out of my mouth never fall in the streets like Samuel and that I can say like Elijah “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand.”

b. “I have no dog in the hunt” I am A-Political. I am neither cheer-leading for Trump nor trying to take him down.

c. “I have no skin in the game” My financial future does not depend on the stock market or what I have in the bank. I live by His grace. The Lord is and will continue to be my Source no matter what is going on around me.

Much Love,

Govern Yourself Accordingly,

Jose L Bosque

Stock Market Crash

for more info read The Financial Shutdown of the Church in America

Article in Spanish Warning of an upcoming Worst than 1929 Economic Crisis


  1. I had a very similar dream last night, I was working at my job and my phone started blowing up so I opened up the app to see the s&p 500 fell from 3100 to 1800 points. I then watched as it fell further to 800 in the span of minutes. It then rallied back to about 1200. This dream was probably Influenced by current events more than anything.