The Top 10 Church Leadership Articles 2013

top 10 church leadership articles 2013

top 10 church leadership articles 20132013 is coming to a quick close and already there are signs of a coming spiritual revolution. Whether you have been ordained by men, have been sent by God or just see yourself as a Christian church leader it is important to stay up to date with what the Lord is speaking.  As we discussed what the Holy Spirit was saying for the coming year, we were curious: what God’s Leader articles have resonated with our readers so far in 2013? We’ve listed our Top 10 most-viewed articles below. Here are some topics that have surfaced as priority by our peers:

As always, our readers loved first-person real life stories from other Christian leaders (#4), but the Church section was still the most read giving us a total of 7 articles in the top 10. There is no doubt among Christian Leaders that the Church is headed for a major change. It won’t be pretty, but it will be for the better.

A couple of practical Ministry teaching articles also cracked the top 10, including articles in the Gods Leader sections Church (#7) and Ministry (#8).

It should not have surprised us that the influence of the Economic downturn in America gave us our (#1) article on the list.

Which is the most helpful to you? Take a look below and let us know in the comments.

Without further ado, our Top 10 Church Leadership Articles 2013

#1: The Coming Fall of Wall Street Christianity – An explanation of how the Church in America has been inundated with business principles and how the almighty dollar has replaced the voice of the Holy Spirit.

#2: Living in La La Land; The Reasons for 2000 years of Ineffective Church– A comprehensive teaching on how the church has lost touch with the culture.

#3: What does it mean to let Jesus in the Church– a quick outline of some of the things we do that keep the Lord Jesus headship out of our gatherings together.

#4: Confessions of a Controlling Church Pastor–  Our Editor Jose Bosque shares his heart on how the Lord changed him and what are the 12 Signs of a Controlling Church Pastor.

#5: Gods House and Church Building Idolatry– What is our American fascination with Church builds? Why do most church leaders don’t feel affirmed and authentic until they have one?

#6: The Absence of Spiritual Hunger in the Church Today– A very timely article on what are the three main reasons why most Christians are disconnected and/or distracted today in the Body.

#7: Planting Churches or Making Disciples– This is a word straight at the jugular of the initial error in the foundations of most churches. This is a Steve Crosby masterpiece! Be prepared it will rock your world!

#8: Avoiding Hurting Christian Leaders Syndrome– Another great work by Steve Crosby as he outlines the most popular pitfalls of Christian / Church / Ministry people and how to avoid them.

#9: Shifts and Regression in the 21st Century Church– this is an extensive comparison contrasting the differences between the church of the first century and the church of the 21st century, Awesome!

#10: The Real Church Dilemma– an on point explanation as to why institutionalized Christians have trouble making the transition to Organic / Simple / Relational type congregations and ministries.

We want to thank our readers and supporters for your awesome backing. You have made us the fastest growing Christian Online publication in 2013. We exist to serve you! We pray that the Christian articles you read here challenge and encourage you to greater intimacy with God and His people.

Jose Bosque

Chief Editor / Founder


Jose Bosque is Editor in Chief and founder of Viral Cast Media which oversees GodsLeader, JaxChristian now ViralChrist and 15 other websites. He has ministered in Jacksonville since 1987 and served the city since 1992 as a citywide servant leader. Jose is considered a resource and a spiritual father to many leaders in the city and in the 54 nations where the Lord has sent him to serve. Originally born in Cuba, Jose has resided in Jacksonville since 1966.

Contact Him at: or

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