Everyday Church
(Everyday I am asked) “Do church meetings in a house-church setting not happen on Sundays?” Yes. No. It can. Maybe. Sometimes. Most of the...
The Error of Trusting in a Political Savior
Can non-believers see Christ when His believers look to a political savior? Today, we live in a world divided by politics, political correctness, political...
Prayers of a Pioneer
The Prayers of a Pioneer
Father, I hear the cries of the cloud of witnesses from on high. They cheer and dare me to go...
The Most Pressing Issue Facing the Church
As the various ministry leaders filed into the room, they smiled warily at one another. Exchanging tepid pleasantries as they moved to their assigned...
You are Creative.
There is not a normal bone in your body. Average will never describe you.
You were designed in the likeness of your Father...
Kingdom Truth by Steve Crosby
Some very interesting relational dynamics have developed for me over the last fifteen to twenty years because of my views on Kingdom Truth.
I know...
Tired of your Religion
There is a growing ground swell of Christians who like me are tired of your religion. That doesn't mean we hate God, it just...
The Problem with Inerrancy
“Inerrancy of scripture” is commonly evoked as a bulwark behind which religious people stand proving their orthodoxy or assessing that of other people’s. Some hold...
Carrying the Christ at Christmas
I remember the years that the words “Christ in us the hope of Glory” were all about the benefits of having raised my hand...
Humility, The Forgotten Gift
During times of prayer, I felt as though the Lord spoke to me about humility. Since true humility is probably one of the least...
George Dunn, A Healing Miracle
For me this healing miracle began with the Lord impressing upon me that I was to drive up to Morganton North Carolina (6.5 hours...
Church: Who, What, Where & Why
Who is the Church is the number one question I am constantly asked. It seems that when we leave the religious system of men,...
How to let Religion Sabotage Your Life
This a short guide for those interested in learning how to let religion sabotage your life. Deception is everywhere, and sadly the church is...
There are no Leaders?
As the Lord continues to mature His Church, she must be willing to make changes concerning the existence and the roles of leaders in...
Giving & Kingdom Entrepreneurship
Giving is a dirty word in today’s society! The religious system of Christ peddlers has seen to it that financial manipulation is the number...
Scandalised by Extravagant Love
The natural man is scandalised by the things of God.
Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling, and rock of offense …
The Asbury "revival."
I humbly submit, absent of cynicism, as a former pastor who's spent years studying so many of the teachings, we were handed...
Being Rooted & Grounded in the 21st Century
Being Rooted and Grounded in the 21st Century means I am connected to Christ for all my sustenance as a Child is connected to...
The Living Word the Voice of God
The importance of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ speaking directly to man through the Holy Spirit has been so dumbed down that...
Reading the Bible Right Video by Brian Zahnd
Brian Zahnd - Reading the Bible Right from Plain Truth Ministries on Vimeo.
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