Unity is Not Uniformity

Christian Unity is Not Uniformity! by Steve Crosby

Can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 Christian Unity is Not Uniformity. Can two walk together in disagreement? YES! It grieves the Spirit...
women in ministry

Women in Ministry; One Woman’s Struggle with Equality by Kathy Escobar

Equality is a bumpy road (and sometimes it makes me want to stand on tables & scream). I am coming upon my 10 year...
Church Diet High in Bible Low on Love

Church Diet High in Bible Low on Love by Steve Crosby

For many of us, the search for the perfect and purest doctrine was a quest that was molded into our being as soon we...
Depths of the Fathers Love

The Many Facets of the Father’s Love

How important is this article on the Father’s Love to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the 21st Century? Well, I understand...
Love Remembers

Real Love Remembers

Real love remembers. It is what makes us different from this selfish, self-centered society in which we have been called to live. Like beans...
The Law of Christvideo

The Law of Christ in the New Covenant

  Jon Zens The Law of Christ in the New Covenant

The Problem with Inerrancy

“Inerrancy of scripture” is commonly evoked as a bulwark behind which religious people stand proving their orthodoxy or assessing that of other people’s. Some hold...
doctrine of dominion

A Response Concerning a New Twist on the Doctrine of Dominion

This response comes from the heart of five authors after reading and seeing an increase of a new twist on the Doctrine of Dominion...
Is healing for todayvideo

Is Healing for Today? Search for the Middle Road by Steve Crosby

Healing gifts have ceased. They have passed away because we now have the Bible. If you are not healed it is because of sin...
One Anothersvideo

Walking in the 58 One Anothers in The New Testament

There is a great need in the Church today to focus on relationships and learn to minister these 58 one anothers. John Zens
The walk of love

The Walk of Love in Social Media by Mike Donahoe

I have mentioned this in a previous article, and want to again make clear that I am not a teacher. The postings on this...
Living Word

The Living Word the Voice of God

The importance of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ speaking directly to man through the Holy Spirit has been so dumbed down that...

My Journey out of the Different Institutions

This is my Journey. This is my Testimony. This is how I found Freedom from the institutions in Christ Alone. Though Martin Luther is commonly...
Fresh Start

Fresh Start – Being the Church in the 21st Century

The Fresh Start we are talking about here will require a new way to live the New Creation life. As citizens in the Kingdom...

You are an Apostle to Who?

You are an apostle to who? You think you are an Apostle; why? Who are you serving in this capacity? Do they recognize the...
I am sorry

I am Sorry

It’s 4:30 am and the Lord just woke me up from a dream. In the dream My sister and I are visiting my maternal...
Ultimate Redemption

Ultimate Redemption vs. Universalism

Ultimate Redemption vs Universalism “CAN’T EVERYONE RESPOND TO GOD, EVEN IF IT’S IN THE NEXT LIFE? QUESTION: Why can’t everyone come to know God’s grace and mercy,...

The Formula and our Need for a Systematic Theology

The problem with trying to put God  in a box i.e.. "A Formula" has been one of the greatest downfalls of the modern church. Once...

The Opposite of Saved is NOT Lost!

Why do we need to label people as lost. Do we have a need as Christians to feel superior? God help us! First, let me...

Is our Salvation a Transaction or a Gift?

QUESTION I’ve started reading your book A More Christlike God. I’m fully with you. I do get a bit stuck with some of your theological language...