
Faith Deconstruction?

Is there such a thing as faith deconstruction? I am continually struck by the phraseology bandied about today that picks up ascendance in conversation...
upgrade to the New Covenant

The Church needs an Upgrade to the New Covenant!

There is a great need today for the church to upgrade to the New Covenant. Much of what is done and said today comes...
women in ministry

Women in Ministry; One Woman’s Struggle with Equality by Kathy Escobar

Equality is a bumpy road (and sometimes it makes me want to stand on tables & scream). I am coming upon my 10 year...
Is healing for todayvideo

Is Healing for Today? Search for the Middle Road by Steve Crosby

Healing gifts have ceased. They have passed away because we now have the Bible. If you are not healed it is because of sin...
Real Easter Celebration

The REAL Easter Celebration

My thoughts on the real Easter Celebration follows; The cross and Resurrection go so far beyond Jesus saving you so you can go to heaven...
Ministry Success Syndrome

Chasing Ministry Success Syndrome by Steve Crosby

Chasing Ministry Success Syndrome is a virus created in America and injected all over the world via Television and the Internet. Steve Crosby has...
worship of the bible

Worship of the Bible is Idolatry by Steve Crosby

There was a Body before there was a Christian “Bible.” This is a threatening fact for many. It is none-the-less, an indisputable historical fact....

You are an Apostle to Who?

You are an apostle to who? You think you are an Apostle; why? Who are you serving in this capacity? Do they recognize the...
Political Savior

The Error of Trusting in a Political Savior

Can non-believers see Christ when His believers look to a political savior? Today, we live in a world divided by politics, political correctness, political...