Inerrancy Scripture

Dealing with the Inerrancy of Scripture by Tim Price

Dealing with the Inerrancy of Scripture is one of those Dare-Not touch subjects.This is Tim’s story, but it could very well be yours. Anytime...
Ekklesia Life

Tenets of EKKLESIA Life

The journey has been long and these tenets of Ekklesia Life that you are about to read have come at a great price. Before...
Battle in the mind

The Battle in the Mind for the Heart of Man

It is not my desire to speak as sociologist but as a man of God. I simply speak what His Spirit says to me....
upgrade to the New Covenant

The Church needs an Upgrade to the New Covenant!

There is a great need today for the church to upgrade to the New Covenant. Much of what is done and said today comes...

The Formula and our Need for a Systematic Theology

The problem with trying to put God  in a box i.e.. "A Formula" has been one of the greatest downfalls of the modern church. Once...

How to Survive the Valley of Suffering

Valley of Suffering? What are you talking about? We are victorious Christians. We walk on water. We have all the answers in the Bible....
Christian Lust for the Supernatural

Christian Lust for the Supernatural by Steve Crosby

I am thankful for forty years of charismatic heritage. I have experienced the best and the worst that universe can offer. If, like Paul,...
God’s Favor is more than Human Success

God’s Favor is more than Human Success

This article is about the blessing of being a favored son of the Father. I don’t need to explain what human success is. We...
Spiritual Dysfunction

Gods Redemptive Grace is not His Approval of Spiritual Dysfunction by Steve Crosby

God is magnificently redemptive. None of us would have any hope if that were not the case. Yet we must not confuse His redemption...
The apostolicity of the church

Apostles and the Apostolicity of the Church by Don Atkin

Apostolicity is a word that has been discussed and defined both in Catholic and Protestant Reformation contexts for many years.  It does seem that,...
Kingdom Truth

Kingdom Truth by Steve Crosby

Some very interesting relational dynamics have developed for me over the last fifteen to twenty years because of my views on Kingdom Truth. I know...
worship of the bible

Worship of the Bible is Idolatry by Steve Crosby

There was a Body before there was a Christian “Bible.” This is a threatening fact for many. It is none-the-less, an indisputable historical fact....
Real Easter Celebration

The REAL Easter Celebration

My thoughts on the real Easter Celebration follows; The cross and Resurrection go so far beyond Jesus saving you so you can go to heaven...
Unity is Not Uniformity

Christian Unity is Not Uniformity! by Steve Crosby

Can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 Christian Unity is Not Uniformity. Can two walk together in disagreement? YES! It grieves the Spirit...

Humility, The Forgotten Gift

During times of prayer, I felt as though the Lord spoke to me about humility.  Since true humility is probably one of the least...
Political Savior

The Error of Trusting in a Political Savior

Can non-believers see Christ when His believers look to a political savior? Today, we live in a world divided by politics, political correctness, political...

The Opposite of Saved is NOT Lost!

Why do we need to label people as lost. Do we have a need as Christians to feel superior? God help us! First, let me...
others centered

The Test of Others Centered Christianity

Are you others-centered? We are living in perhaps the most selfish and self-centered generation to date. Life in this 21st century is all about...
Go and Make Disciples

The Missing Link Go and Make Disciples

What is real Evangelism- Its nothing less than Go and Make Disciples. This is the missing Link in the church of the 21st Century!
celebrity pastors

Celebrity Pastors Getting to the ROOT of the Problem

America is one big celebrity culture. Big names. Big followings. Big money. One expects celebrity worship and big money in the culture of the...