how to start a work for the lord

How to Start a Work for the Lord

I want to begin by saying the title "How to Start a Work for the Lord" reflects man’s human nature and 1500 plus years...
When Ministry becomes an idol

When Ministry becomes an Idol by Steve Crosby

None of us want to believe that we have made the ministry our mistress. In a very, very subtle way the enemy deceives us...
charismatic religion

Why I am at War with Charismatic Religion by Steve Crosby

I recently had some time with very some close friends. They relayed to me a current, this week, story that so captured the issues...
Quest for Ministry Success

The Quest for Ministry Success

The Quest for Ministry Success is the focused human attempt to achieve a carnal business principle in a spiritual world. Never shall the two...
has a song

Each and Every one of you has a Song

Did you know that every one of you has a song? Paul told the Corinthians, “each and every one of you has a psalm...
worship manipulationvideo

Dynamic Worship or Worship Manipulation? by Steve Crosby

Sometimes out of our innocence, and other times out of our naiveté, the church fails to exercise her God-given abilities of discernment, and ends...
Relationships and Ministry Purposes

Relationships and Ministry Purpose by Brian Harrison

Relationships and ministry purpose; how do they work together? The Bible clearly establishes the priority of relationships in our lives.  It also reveals the...
Leading with love

Leading with Love

Leading with love is God’s way of life for all believers. This is not a leadership article. This is a way-of-life article. If you...
Pulpit or Participation -- Jon Zensvideo

Pulpit or Participation Video by Jon Zens Jon Zens

Pulpit or Participation is an awesome New Testament revelation.This excellent explanation video by Jon Zens discusses how the Church went astray in history....
follow my vision

Avoiding Toxic Ministry Associations

As the Lord continues to build His Church, many of our old ministerial associations (with agendas) are being torn down. Many are waking up...
Evangelism in 2016

Evangelism in 2016

When I woke us this morning, little did I know that the Lord had a plan to help me teach about Evangelism in 2016. It...
Full time Ministry

The Full Time Ministry Myth by Loren Rosser

“Any believer who aspires to full-time ministry misunderstands the Kingdom that we’re part of. That’s like aspiring to full-time breathing. ‘Full time’ and ‘Ministry’...
Crazy Charismatic doctrine

Crazy Charismatic Doctrine by Steve Crosby

If someone you loved dearly was engaged in behavior that was destructive to him self, and others around him, your love would compel you...
ministry relationships

The 6 Degrees of Operational Unity in Ministry Relationships

How are your relationships? Are the patterned after the Bible or society? Do you understand the degree of depth that you operate in your...
miracle ministry

Sons and Miracle Ministry Bullies by Steve Crosby

There’s much hubbub these days about miracles, signs, and wonders. I’m as pro-supernatural as anyone on the planet can be. I’ve experienced many exciting...
The Folly of Misguided Ministry

The Blunted Spear The Folly of Misguided Ministry Methods by Wes Schoel

I've fought a lot of spiritual battles in my life. Sometimes I’ve fought those battles while I was alone. But usually, I fought those...