seeking the presence of god

Pagan Practice of Seeking the Presence of God

For years as a Christian and a pastor, I struggled with my identity in Christ. I was taught that Christ was in His Bible...
Forsaking the Assembling of Ourselves Together

Forsaking the Assembling of Ourselves Together by Dave Yuebanks

“And let us not forsake the fellowship that we have among ourselves as the manner of some is: but let us exhort one another...
The walk of love

The Walk of Love in Social Media by Mike Donahoe

I have mentioned this in a previous article, and want to again make clear that I am not a teacher. The postings on this...
worship of the bible

Worship of the Bible is Idolatry by Steve Crosby

There was a Body before there was a Christian “Bible.” This is a threatening fact for many. It is none-the-less, an indisputable historical fact....
Church Diet High in Bible Low on Love

Church Diet High in Bible Low on Love by Steve Crosby

For many of us, the search for the perfect and purest doctrine was a quest that was molded into our being as soon we...
Unity is Not Uniformity

Christian Unity is Not Uniformity! by Steve Crosby

Can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 Christian Unity is Not Uniformity. Can two walk together in disagreement? YES! It grieves the Spirit...
All of Christ through all the voices

All of Christ Through All the Voices by Jon Zens

All of Christ Through All the Voices is Jon Zens favorite topic. Here is another of his article challenging the Church on this topic...
love is tested

Love is Tested when Brothers Disagree

There is probably no greater test of the love we have for one another and the unity in Christ that we proclaim than when...
Unity in the Body of Christ

The Truth about Unity in the Body of Christ by Steve Crosby

It is sad to say but very few believers actually understand the truth about unity in the Body of Christ. What follows doesn't come...
upgrade to the New Covenant

The Church needs an Upgrade to the New Covenant!

There is a great need today for the church to upgrade to the New Covenant. Much of what is done and said today comes...
Spiritual formulas

Difference Between Knowing God and Spiritual Formulas

A friend and I were recalling the season many years ago when a popular teaching on faith emerged that promoted a clear cut strategy...
sunday sermons

How are my Sunday Sermons? by Jon Zens

I could just see a pastor asking his members this question.How are my Sunday Sermons? Perhaps that is not the best way to judge...
celebrity pastors

Celebrity Pastors Getting to the ROOT of the Problem

America is one big celebrity culture. Big names. Big followings. Big money. One expects celebrity worship and big money in the culture of the...
Battle in the mind

The Battle in the Mind for the Heart of Man

It is not my desire to speak as sociologist but as a man of God. I simply speak what His Spirit says to me....
having a spiritual breakthrough

Having a Spiritual Breakthrough That Lasts by Steve Crosby

Many bemoan what they perceive as a lack of the Lord’s intervention and deliverance in persistent and difficult situations they face: “Where is the Lord’s...
Is healing for todayvideo

Is Healing for Today? Search for the Middle Road by Steve Crosby

Healing gifts have ceased. They have passed away because we now have the Bible. If you are not healed it is because of sin...
Christian Lust for the Supernatural

Christian Lust for the Supernatural by Steve Crosby

I am thankful for forty years of charismatic heritage. I have experienced the best and the worst that universe can offer. If, like Paul,...
thye pagan conversion to christianity

The Early Church and the Pagan Conversion to Christianity by Steve Crosby

Have you ever wondered why hundreds and thousands joined the early communities when it would cost them everything? Great grace, power, and fear were...
Recognize False Prophet

How to Recognize a False Prophet by Steve Crosby

Balaam gave the only accurate Messianic prophecy in the Pentateuch and he was a false prophet! There’s more to the issue of who is...
Spiritual Dysfunction

Gods Redemptive Grace is not His Approval of Spiritual Dysfunction by Steve Crosby

God is magnificently redemptive. None of us would have any hope if that were not the case. Yet we must not confuse His redemption...